CHARM-EU, 23-24 November 2020. This event will explore the future of the European Higher Education landscape and its role in addressing complex and interlinked societal challenges.
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. In addition, the world is facing unexpected challenges caused by the COVID-19 scenario. To overcome these challenges, the European Union (EU) developed a new growth strategy: the European Green Deal for the EU and its citizens. Whilst all EU actions and policies will have to contribute to the European Green Deal objectives, the higher education sector – as one of the main contributors in educating those who will shape our society – must to play a key role in achieving these goals. Considering this complex scenario, CHARM-EU Days will be an occasion to reflect on how European Universities initiative can contribute to supporting the European Green Deal.
The CHARM-EU Days is a unique opportunity for participants to reflect and discuss the potential of European Universities in shaping the present and the future of our society by reinforcing its commitment with the EU’s Green Deal action plan.

The CHARM-EU Days is a unique opportunity for participants to reflect and discuss the potential of European Universities in shaping the present and the future of our society by reinforcing its commitment with the EU’s Green Deal action plan.
Top 3 Reasons you can’t miss the CHARM-EU Days
Obtain a better knowledge and reflect on how to support the Green Deal through the creation of a new university model.
Exchange ideas on how the European Universities initiative can contribute in shaping the present and the future of our society.
Connect with a variety of stakeholders and fins new opportunites of collabroation and how to get involved in the CHARM-EU Community.
Day 1 – 23 November 2020
9:30 – 10:00 Opening Session
Presented by: Michele Catanzaro (Live from the University of Barcelona)
Welcome words: Adrienn Király, Head of Cabinet of Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, European Commission.
Introductory remarks
Joan Elias, Rector. University of Barcelona.
Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Higher Education Unit, European Commission.
Patrick Caron, Vice President for International Affairs, University of Montpellier.
Francesc Almendros Viladerrams, CHARS-EU Student representative, University of Barcelona.
10:00 – 11:15 European Universities Initative and the Euroepan Green Deal
The aim of this panel is to reflect how the European Universities Initiatives can actively contribute to the achievement of the Euroepan Green Deal strategic plan. Speakers will discuss how a new university model can help address these global challenges. In particular how to link European Universities initiative and the European Green Deal agenda. Moderator: Michele Catanzaro.
Henk Kummerling. Rector Universiteit Utrecht.
Cláudia Cavadas, Coimbra Group Executive Board member and Vice-Rector for Research and 3rd Cycle Studies at the University of Coimbra.
Marie Wittamer. CIVIS Executive Director.
Monika Skadborg, European Student’s Union (ESU)
11:15 – 11:30 Virtual trivia (Kahoot! game)
A 15 minutes trivia on general questions, including Covid-19, H2020 and European Universities. The winner will receive a CHARM-EU branding kit. Check out our website for the Terms & Conditions.
12:00 – 13:30 Cluster 1 I Towards Transdiscipliary Networks to Solve Global Challenges
The dynamic session invites you to join and network with transdiscipliary CHARM-EU Knowledge Creating Terms (KCTs). We will work together to define „problems spaces“ central to the European Green Deal. These will inspire and inform CHARM European University’s Moderators:
Jake Byrne, Trinity College Dublin.
Gemma O’Sulllivan, Trinity College Dublin.
Jan Haarhuis, Utrecht University.
The second part of this session will be via icebreaker.
13:45 – 15:15 Cluster 2 Mobility: Sustainavle mobility solutions
The mobility cluster will focus on the sustainability dimesions of mobility within Eropean Universities Alliances both form a practical and a conceputal point of view, starting from concrete examples leading to more general (abstract) considerations. Moderator: Niamh Burke, Trinity College Dublin.
Nathalie Modjeska, Montpellier University.
Simone Hackett, The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
Tessa Schutte, Utrecht University.
Marenthe Middelhoff, Utrecht University.
15:30 – 17:30 Cluster 3I Inclusiveness: Ensuring that no one will be left behind
An inclusive Green Deal for Europe means for uns, that plicies & implementation have to be inlusive and open. Many people are excluded from mainstream policies & implmemnentation becaus eof their gender, ethnicity, age… sexual orientation, disability or poverty, etc. No one can ve left behind. This session offers principles for inclusive design that considers the greatest extent of people.
Day 2 – 24 November 2020
10:00 – 11:30 How external stakeholders can engage with the European Universities to address the European Green Deal?
This session will debate the role of business and society as part of a new university model that will protect the enviroment and boost the green economy. Moderator: Michele Catanzaro.
Carole-Anne Sénit. GLOBAL GOALS Project I Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. Utrecht University.
Jeroen Spierings, Head of Indistry Marketing, Ricoh Europe.
Celia Belline. CEO, CILcare.
Carlos Montero, Chief Technology Officer, Suez Spain.
Estibaliz Saez de Cámara, Head of Sustainability of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Advisory Board member of the Sustainable Developmement Solutions Network – Red Espanola de Desarrollo Sostenible (REDS).
11:30 – 12:45 Creating a research and innovation agenda o the European Universities: a look into the Horizon Europe perspective and the European Green Deal
In this session, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the link between the Horizon Euope, the European Universities Initiative and the European Green Deal, future of the research and innovation dimension in achieving greener future. Moderator: Michele Catanzaro
Apostolia Karamali, Head of Unit, DG for Research and Innovation
Domènec Espriu, TORCH Project Manager
Kristof Vlaeminck, Senior External Funding Officer – Una Europa Coordinator subgroup Research and Innovation – Forum of European Universities
Agostino Inguscio, Ecological and Social Transitions, Healthy Planet Directorate. European Commission
Inês Prates. Policy Officer. European Commission.
Barbara Koch, Albert-Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg. Member of EUA Energy & Environment Platform
12:45 – 13:30 Closing session and final remarks
Rapporteurs from the clusters sessions
Moderator: Michele Catanzaro
Cluster 1 Towards Transdisciplinary Networks to Solve Global Challenges. Jan Haarhuis, Utrecht University
Cluster 2 Mobility: Sustainable mobility solutions. Brendan Tighe, Trinity College Dublin
Cluster 3 Inclusiveness: Ensuring that no one will be left behind. Agnes Sarolta Fazekas, PhD – Leader of CHARM-EU WP6 – Inclusiveness
Tim Savage, Senior Advisor, CHARM-EU. Trinity College Dublin
Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Higher Education Unit. European Commission