United Universities 5th Panel Discussion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVd1TD4LS78&t=9m54s Europe, 29 June 2021. The UUU Panel Debate n°5 has invited administrators of European University Alliances to talk about the “Powers of the Periphery.

United Universities 4th Panel Discussion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVRZwaQ4m-Q&t=605s Europe, 11 May 2021. European University Alliances are coming with a great promise: to make the ‘student-centred’ university happen, and to create courses and

United Universities 3rd Panel Discussion
Europe, 13 April 2021. Mingling among journalists, authors, strategy advisors, university administrators, researchers, students — to gain deeper insights into higher education policy in Europe.

United Universities – Is it science fiction?
Berlin and Valencia, 5 March 2021. Science fiction literature is a classic field for scientists to ask self-referential questions. A recent study follows this path,

UUU Panel 2.2 – New professions and EU strategies
Berlin, Brussels, Bremen, 8 December 2020. The initiative United Universities of Europe organises panel debates on higher education and science policy. The 2nd of these

UUU Panel 2 – Intermezzo: What is UUU?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMe6Mv2qVfc Berlin, 8 December 2020. UUU director Tino Brömme, in an interview on the Crelle Market in Berlin-Schöneberg, answers what United Universities if Europe or